May 8-10


May 8-10, 2023

Knoxville, TN – USA


All Technical Sessions will take place at the University of Tennessee Conference Center


**This web site is the official source for all the details of Sherwood 2023. Please bookmark this page, and check back with us frequently as we continue to post additional content.


Sherwood 2023 conference abstract submission is Closed.
Conference registration is open - Online Registration
Make Online Housing Reservation



The Sherwood 2023 Conference is hosted by the Scientific Program Organizing Committee in Knoxville, TN – USA.


About the conference

The goal of controlled thermonuclear fusion research is to develop a safe, environmentally benign, and essentially inexhaustible source of energy for the future. Papers are solicited on the following topics for the International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference:

  • Plasma equilibrium, stability, and transport
  • Physics of the plasma edge and divertor region, including plasma surface interactions
  • Plasma production, fueling, heating, and current drive
  • Analytic and computational methods for modeling plasmas

The Annual Conference is organized for educational and scientific purposes. Specifically, the objective of the Annual Conference shall be the communication of recent results in the physics of controlled fusion energy. This conference is conducted in accordance with the International Council of Scientific Unions guidelines on free circulation of scientists.


Physics of Plasma special collection for Sherwood 2023

We are pleased to announce that Physics of Plasmas will have a special collection for Sherwood 2023. As with the successful special collection for Sherwood 2021-2022, presenters selected for plenary talks, invited talks, and awarded student posters/presentations will be invited to submit an article, which will be designated as an invited paper in the collection. New this year is that all other Sherwood presenters will be able to contribute an article to the collection. Please note that all submissions to Physics of Plasmas special collections go through the normal peer review process. Articles are published after acceptance, and they receive further attention when the special collection is complete and announced.