April 15-17

Abstract Details

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Author: Roscoe White
Requested Type: Poster
Submitted: 2019-02-18 10:29:26

Co-authors: V. N. Duarte

Contact Info:
Princeton Plasma Physics Lab
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ   08543

Abstract Text:

Resonances driven by particle distribution gradients
are studied in a simple statistical model that does not involve advancing
individual particles due to interaction with the mode.
The phase-space structure of resonances and the associated modification of density profiles in tokamaks is due
to equilibration between the bounce averaging of particles within the
resonance, which tends to locally flatten the distribution,
particle collisions, which tend to re-establish the original density
gradients, and wave background damping, which extracts energy from the mode. Modes are perturbatively driven while the distribution is irreversibly modified due to diffusion within the resonance, where local properties of the
equilibrium and particle distribution are sufficient to determine the
time evolution of a mode. Simulations replicate the expected scaling with the
collision frequency of mode saturation amplitudes
and collisional broadening of the density modification.
